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What a $10 Million Pitch Deck Looks Like

Ever wondered how to structure winning decks for clients in the world of capital raising? The answer lies in a key tool—your investment summary. What's in it? Let us hand you the list.

About the Author
Vitaliy Gnezdilov

Vitaliy comes from an investor experience and product design background. He is a passive real estate investor and co-founder of Raise Ready Systems on a mission to empower alternative investment managers to raise capital online. Vitaliy enjoys spending time with his family, teaching, photography, and travel.

Ever wondered how to structure winning decks for clients in the world of capital raising? The answer lies in a key tool—the investment summary, a dynamic pitch deck that doesn't just spill facts about your business but conducts a whole symphony of investor trust and interest.

But what exactly are the bullets that you should have in your investment summary? Today, allow us to hand you over that list:

Title Slide: Setting the Stage

The goal here is to grab your audience's attention in a snap and to set the tone of the entire presentation.

Note that the title slide serves as your pitch's opening act, akin to the overture of a symphony. Create an emotional hook by trying to get creative with your intro. Consider incorporating captivating visuals, a compelling tagline, a mind-boggling question, relevant news, or maybe an intriguing statistic to pique investors' curiosity. The mission is to spark interest and initiate a good conversation starter that will set the mood for the entire presentation.

Table of Contents

Think of the Table of Contents as the roadmap for your investors. Beyond a mere list, use this slide to visually represent the journey ahead. Employ icons, graphics, or images that resonate with the respective sections. This provides a snapshot of the comprehensive nature of your presentation, ensuring investors know what to expect and can navigate seamlessly.

The Who: Introducing the Faces and Depth of Your Team

Moving beyond traditional introductions, this section is about humanizing your team. Consider incorporating short video snippets, testimonials from team members, or engaging graphics that showcase not just the roles but the personalities behind the positions. The goal is to create a connection, allowing investors to envision the people steering the ship and also give them a clearer background of each team member.

Core Beliefs: Beyond Resumes, Unveiling True Values

This section is your opportunity to showcase the soul of your company. Go beyond the standard resumes by delving into the core values that guide your team. Utilize visuals, anecdotes, or even a brief mission statement to articulate the principles that define your organization. Be as specific when you list down these statements. Investors are not just buying into a business; they're aligning with a set of beliefs.

Transparency and Communication: Set Expectations Clearly

Transparency builds trust. Use this part to outline your communication policy clearly. Visuals such as flowcharts or infographics can simplify complex processes, ensuring investors comprehend how information flows. Be as detailed as possible. If applicable, provide examples of past communications, processes, or updates, showcasing your commitment to keeping stakeholders informed and always in the loop.

Track Record: Let Numbers Tell the Story

This section is about transforming data into a compelling narrative. Consider a timeline or a visual journey that highlights milestones and successes. Accompany numerical metrics and other statistics with real photos, graphs, and charts, making the abstract tangible. Use storytelling techniques to weave a story around your track record, emphasizing growth, partnerships, challenges overcome, and the path ahead.

Institutional Partners: Building Trust Brick by Brick

Highlighting your institutional partners is important in establishing trust. Use visuals of logos, brief descriptions, or even testimonials from these partners. Explain how these partnerships reinforce your credibility and provide a solid foundation for investor confidence. Transparency is key; reveal how these alliances benefit investors.

The Why: Conveying Purpose with Passion

This is your chance to infuse passion into the presentation. Go beyond financial benefits; share the impact and purpose behind your private equity offering. Incorporate visuals or narratives that evoke emotions and demonstrate the positive change your projects bring. Make the case for why investing with your team is not just a financial decision but a meaningful journey.

The Why Now: Timing Matters

Discussing the opportune timing involves both market dynamics and your project's alignment with current needs. Employ visuals, graphs, or charts that illustrate market trends. Showcase your understanding of the market pulse and explain why now is the optimal time for investors to seize the opportunity. Connect your narrative to the broader economic landscape.

Befores and Afters: Present Visual Impact for Tangible Results

This section is about visual storytelling. Utilize side-by-side visuals, infographics, or dynamic slideshows to showcase the transformative impact of your investments. Whether it's property renovations, community enhancements, or other improvements, make the before-and-after visuals both captivating and informative. The goal is to make the tangible results of your projects undeniable and to be as detailed with the record as possible.

Business Plan and Strategy: Painting the Investment Journey

Delve into the details of your fund's strategy, offering investors a comprehensive understanding of the investment journey. Consider employing graphics, charts, or even a visual timeline to illustrate key milestones and phases. This section is about painting a vivid picture, ensuring investors grasp not just the destination but the exciting path their investment will undertake.

Case Studies

Case studies provide a personal touch to your presentation. Narrate stories of challenges, victories, and the human side of your projects. Incorporate visuals, testimonials, and short video clips to add authenticity. Highlight not just the financial success but the positive impact on communities and the lives touched by your investments.

The Where: Explore Target Markets with Data Points

Backing up your choice of target markets with data is crucial. Use charts, graphs, or maps to illustrate growth trends, job opportunities, and real estate value in these markets. This section should elucidate the strategic rationale behind your geographical selections, providing investors with a data-driven understanding of your market choices.


The FAQs section is about pre-emptively addressing investors' queries. Design a visually appealing slide that presents common questions alongside concise, informative answers. If possible, include visuals or icons to make this section easily scannable. The goal is to offer investors a deeper dive into potential concerns and showcase your proactive approach to transparency.

The Call to Action

Conclude with a compelling call to action that summarizes the opportunity and outlines the next steps. Utilize visuals, clear text, and perhaps a countdown or urgency element to prompt immediate action. Encourage investors to reserve their spot, engage with the investor portal, and take the next steps in becoming part of your real estate journey.

In essence, the presentation framework, meticulously designed for real estate fund raises, ensures you not only convey the right message but captivate investors and establish a solid foundation for a successful capital raise.

So, are you ready to create that $10M pitch deck and start attracting qualified investors to your offering? If you're eager to finesse your pitch and effortlessly draw in accredited investors, let's have a chat. Schedule a free call today by heading over to raisereadysystems.com/call. Looking forward to a productive conversation about enhancing your investor engagement.