Frequently Asked Questions

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Experience a reality where your investor relations team wakes up to investor calls already on their calendar.

Backed by our Raise Ready promise.

1. Where are you located?

Raise Ready is headquartered in California, while our team is globally distributed, with Vitaliy Gnezdilov based in Minneapolis and Chris Arias in Los Angeles.

2. How do you generate leads?

Our team packages your investment offering and showcases it to accredited professional investors through targeted social media advertising campaigns. We capture their interest and contact information, then guide them to schedule a call on your calendar for further discussion.

3. Is this a Done-For-You service or do you provide templates?

Both. We create bespoke content from scratch for every new investment offering campaign we launch. These campaigns are professionally designed to elevate your brand profile, using the latest version of our marketing framework. We then manage the campaign to ensure you receive the highest quality leads at the lowest cost.

There may be aspects that we'll ask you to create for us. If this is the case, we provide easy to follow guides and frameworks for you to fill out, then our design team will go over the content to make it truly unique to you.

4. What makes you different from other marketing firms?

Our specialty lies exclusively in private equity and alternative investments. As passive investors ourselves, we have deep expertise in this niche, constantly learning and perfecting our campaigns.

The leadership team has been launching advertising campaigns for fund managers since the inception of the JOBS Act, and helped CrowdStreet transition to becoming a broker dealer while transforming their investor experience.

We understand how to navigate the nuances of alternative investments intrinsically better than any other group.

With Raise Ready, you will engage with actual investors, not just get marketing automations built. We understand the nuanced difference between creating yet another boring lead magnet and attracting serious, professional investors who are ready to deploy capital.

5. How does your platform comply with SEC regulations?

We primarily work with 506(c) offerings, which can be publicly advertised at scale but can only accept accredited investors. There are strategies that we can employ for 506(b) offerings as well, which we can share with you over a call.

If we're advertising on behalf of a broker-dealer, we have to tweak our messaging accordingly to pass SEC review.

6. How quickly can we start seeing leads?

There are no shortcuts to building a world-class brand that generates accredited investor trust. Depending on the content you already have available, your campaign could be live in two weeks to a month. Our team is highly trained in our launch process and will guide you through the necessary steps and content creation.

7. How many leads can you generate per week?

Leads generated is largely a factor of the advertising budget, typically around $50 per lead. The higher the advertising budget, the more leads and higher fundraising potential—there are no diminishing returns. We’ve managed ad spends from $30/day to $3,000/day, and we will advise you based your goals as well as the KPIs we establish during the trial period of your campaign.

8. What kind of investment minimums can we have?

We tailor our prospecting strategies to your specific needs. We can filter investors based on your desired minimum investment amount, which can range from $25,000 to $1M+.

Our targeting capabilities include sophisticated parameters based on demographics, personal interests, and more.

9. What is the expected cost per lead and conversion rate?

Every offering is different, and we won’t know the exact numbers until we launch. However, on average, it costs $50 per accredited investor lead, with approximately 20% of these leads converting to a conversation.

The conversion rate from lead to fund varies, depending on factors such as the attractiveness of your offering as well as your sales process. While Raise Ready doesn’t directly raise your capital, our team advises you on best investor relations practices based on what we’ve seen work best for our most successful fund managers.

Our clients have closed out multiple $10M+ funds, and we have clients at various stages in their company growth.

Raise Ready continues to develop this process, as we are aligned on investor conversion rate being the ultimate North Star metric.

10. How much of our time will this take up?

During the setup phase, we require a few key content pieces from you. You may already have these created, but if not, we will guide you through the process with examples to make it as easy and smooth as possible. We handle all other aspects, such as creating the advertising campaigns, emails, and the marketing funnel, on your behalf.

Once the campaign is launched, our ultimate deliverable is appointments with interested investors scheduled on your calendar. Our platform syncs with your calendar, so we advise keeping your calendar up to date to ensure no one schedules outside of your preferred hours.

11. Do you have any success stories you can share?

Yes, we have collected a couple of quick video testimonials from a few of our clients that highlight the leads they generated, how much they've been able to raise, and what it's like to work with us.

12. How does your pricing work?

We offer a three-month trial that allows fund managers to experience the quality of our service and leads. This all-inclusive offer includes the advertising budget and the investment for the Raise Ready team to install and manage the campaign for the duration of the ad spend.

The total trial period is approximately three months. During the first month, we focus on setup. The second month is dedicated to the learning phase to identify winning campaigns, and the third month is for scaling those successful campaigns.

After the trial period, we charge a flat monthly fee for campaign management plus the advertising spend, which is scaled based on your requirements and the KPIs established during the trial.

Each new capital raise campaign undergoes the trial period to measure market response. We create new content for each campaign to best resonate with investors who are ready to deploy capital in an active offering.

13. Do you offer any kind of guarantee?

We are serious about creating the world’s best way for fund managers to attract accredited investors online.

With our digital expertise, passion for marketing and design, and dedication to setting the standard for investor experience, we are unwavering in our commitment to being a key partner for your capital raise goals. We bring unmatched quality, meticulous attention to detail, and cutting-edge technological advantages to every sponsor, in every campaign, every time.

The Raise Ready promise states that if within 60 days after we begin work you are unsatisfied with the quality of our service or the quality of your investor leads, we will refund our entire agency fee and suspend your campaign.

We want your experience working with us to have minimal risk but exponential upside.

14. Does your platform integrate with CRMs and investor portals?

Yes, our platform integrates and syncs lead data with any major CRM. We generate, qualify, and deliver accredited leads to your firm in the form of confirmed, scheduled appointments. This data is forwarded to your CRM to ensure you keep track of leads and build your list.

Our platform is designed to complement, not replace, your existing CRM. Think of the flow as: Raise Ready > CRM > Investor Portal.

If you don’t have a CRM, our platform can be easily adapted to serve as your powerful, full-time CRM solution.

15. What investor portal do you recommend?

Our team has experience with all major investor portals in various capacities, and while there are many great options, one group stands out above the rest.

Based on our evaluation criteria of quick customer support, ease of fund administration, and value for investment, we recommend SponsorCloud. They offer the best value, ease of use, and unmatched support to their users. SponsorCloud has an extensive Co-GP network and is genuinely committed to the success of the private equity community.

Whether you are raising for an individual asset or a fund, we recommend starting your research by scheduling a call with their team.

16. Do you provide additional services like website building or social media management?

While we used to be a full-service agency, we now focus on the shortest path to capital. Websites and social media presences are important but not required to generate meaningful investor interest.

Based on our experience marketing investment offerings, we have developed a solution that effectively creates investor interest without needing a full digital presence—our solution includes everything an investor needs to know in order to make an investment decision.

For firms who already have a profitable lead generation engine and are looking for a more comprehensive digital presence, we will gladly refer you to our brand and web design partner with a successful history launching trusted brands and cutting-edge website experiences in the private equity space. Reach out to us if you'd like an introduction.

17. We are interested. What are the next steps?

If you haven't already had your introductory call, start here.

If you've already had a call with our team, reviewed our platform, and satisfied the invoice, it’s time to schedule your onboarding call.

During this call, we will invite you to access your dedicated channel where you’ll gain access to the entire Raise Ready team. Our team will guide you through the launch checklist by first asking you to share your existing marketing materials, which we will then use to create the necessary content, get your approval, and launch the campaign.