5 min read

You've Been Placed in the Special Ad Category by Facebook Ads. What now?

You're a private equity real estate syndicator who has been placed in the Special Ad Category even though you don’t offer housing, credit, or employment opportunities.

About the Author
Chris Arias

Chris is a proud co-founder of Raise Ready Systems. He brings his extensive marketing experience from the private equity real estate space. He is passionate about real estate investing, from mindset to assets, and is dedicated to continuous education. He enjoys the outdoors, traveling, and building relationships.

It actually happened. You’ve been placed in the Special Ad Category by the faceless Facebook overlords even though you don’t offer housing, credit, or employment opportunities. And why would you? You organize private equity investmentopportunities!‍

So, how do we remove ourselves from Facebook & Instagram’s Special Ad Category? What are the next steps?

Now, before we continue, I wish I could tell you that what I’m about to show you is a surefire way to get your real estate investment syndication firm removed from Facebook & Instagram’s Special Ad Category but I can’t. Tragic, I know, but there is still hope. Don’t lose heart.

What I’m about to show you will get you in touch with someone behind the scenes at Facebook.

‍And unless you have a strong connection with your very own Facebook & Instagram Ad Representative, this is the first step to take and possibly the best shot you’ve got.‍

First, let’s start with this super helpful link. Click Here <—

Where do we go once we click this link? Easy, scroll down to where it says, “Still need help? Find answers or contact support.” and click the blue “Get Started” button.

Step 1

Now, we embark on a little 3-step process—

Step #1

After hitting the “Get Started” button, you’ll be met with 6 different options: Policy & Account Security, Billing & Payments, Business Pages, Ad Management Tools, Ads, and Measure & Improve Results. Select either "Policy & Account Security" or "Ads."

Step 2

Step #2

Whichever option you choose will lead you to a page showing three columns with various options underneath. Don’t select any of them.

Step 3

The REAL Step #3:

Instead of selecting an option beneath one of the three columns, we scroll down and select the “Chat with a representative” button. It's right below the prompt “Need more help? Contact Support.”

Step 4

Once you’ve selected the “Chat with a representative” button, you’ll be met with a questionnaire that looks like this—


Go ahead and fill out this form to completion. One of the fields requests your Facebook Ad Account ID.

Don’t know where to find your Facebook Ad Account ID? Click Here <—

  1. Under “What is your question about?” select “Ad account-level issues.”
  2. Under the second “What is your question about?” select “Other.”

Now, this next part is important because these are the first words out of your mouth (fingertips, really) that your Facebook Ad Representative is going to receive from you. And we all know a first impression is a big deal, right?

So let’s place ourselves in the Facebook Ad Representative’s shoes for just a moment. They are most likely receiving the same hot-tempered complaints and questions all day long. Day after day after day. Can you imagine that? It probably doesn’t feel too good. So, it’s imperative that we don’t fly off the handle here or we will become nothing but noise.

Let’s take this opportunity to be the breath of fresh air that they need. Let’s be cordial and polite despite the frustration that we may be currently feeling. Take a deep breath in and release. Let’s do this—

Here are some recommendations for the Subject Title:

  • I was placed in the Special Ad Category. We don’t offer Housing, Credit, or Employment opportunities.
  • We were placed in the Special Ad Category despite not offering any Housing, Credit, or Employment opportunities.
  • Regarding Special Ad Category. We do not offer anything related to Housing, Credit, or Employment.

Here is a recommendation for the Description:

Hello Facebook Ads Team, thanks for taking the time to review this. I believe we have been mistakenly placed in the Special Ads Category. Would you kindly guide us through this issue?

As a company, we do not offer anything related to housing, credit, or employment. Our ads are strictly related to investment opportunities. No one could hope to achieve a housing situation through our company.

We understand there may be some mix up because we include real estate verbiage in our ads but we want to assure you that we do not offer any housing opportunities whatsoever.

Currently there are other companies, similar to ours, running ads. Namely, CrowdStreet and GroCapitus Investments (insert any other similar firm you’ve seen advertising on Facebook & Instagram).

We would very much appreciate your guidance through this. We would like to return to advertising on your platform as soon as possible. With your help, we believe we can bring people closer to realizing their dream of becoming real estate investors.

Thank you.

Nice work! You kept it cool and delivered a tactful message to the right people.

The Facebook Ad Representative should be responding to you shortly. Hang in there.

I feel it's our duty, as people involved in the real estate investment community, to do our part to make sure Facebook's Ad Team understands that we do not offer housing, credit, or employment opportunities. We are investors and we offer investment opportunities. Let's work together to make this message loud and clear to Facebook's Team should we ever fall into the Special Ads Category.

Briefly, let’s imagine the second worst-case scenario

(first being your Facebook Ad Account and/or Facebook Business Manager get completely shut down). Let’s say the Facebook Ad Representative is completely unmoved by your extremely kind and tactful message. They give you some bologna like, “Your ad has an apartment in it so it is related to housing.” What now?

Remember to be cool because there are still some seriously powerful tools to leverage on the Facebook Ad platform. You’re not down for the count yet! I’ve saved some of these tactics for the next blog post.

Do you want to reach out to qualified real estate investors through advertising on Facebook, Instagram, and beyond?

Click the "Become Raise Ready" button below to get started.

Until then, be cool.